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​The Corporate Learning Program: A Business Development InitiativeTheTH

The Vision

The University of Maryland’s Black Business Association (BBA) has a great opportunity this school year for all undergraduate students who are interested in developing their business skills and adding quality to their resume. In order to better provide students with real world skills, BBA is offering a start-up business development initiative, namely the Corporate Learning Company.

Member Benefits

The Corporate Learning Company will provide University of Maryland undergraduates of all disciplines with a business development experience to help foster entrepreneurial mindsets, clear communication, strong decision-making, and other skill sets that are invaluable to business minded students.

By becoming a student run business development company, BBA will now be able to provide its members with hands on business experience in addition to opportunities for meeting employers, networking, and gaining insight into different industries and possible career paths.

How it Works



Within the first few weeks of the fall semester, all members of the Black Business Association will be given the opportunity to pitch a business idea to the club. The e-board will select which idea will be chosen. The member who submitted the chosen idea will be added as the Chief Innovation Officer of the Club. As a club, with the sponsorship of several different companies, we will create and implement a business plan for the development of a product or provision of a service.


To efficiently execute our business plan, members will be placed into one of the following departments within the company: Operations, Finance and Accounting, Marketing, or Human Resources. Throughout the year, various companies will be brought into BBA in order to evaluate our progress and offer recommendations. The top performing team member of the Corporate Learning Company will be awarded for their performance at the end of the spring semester.

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